Phineas and ferb theme song xbox
Phineas and ferb theme song xbox

phineas and ferb theme song xbox

Phineas and ferb theme song xbox free#

Once introduced to the others by Monogram beaming in (telling that Terry is Baljeet's pet in this dimension, coming from the same animal adoption agency where Phineas adopted Perry in their dimension), Terry asks for Phineas and the others in helping to free the dimension from the gelatin. They are about to keep moving,when the Gelatin Monster comes in through a drain.Phineas and Ferb do not have the weapons to fight,which leaves them to run.When the monster is about to eat them,Perry and a new agent from the different dimension, named Terry the Turtle (or Agent T), assists Perry in fighting and defeating the Gelatin Monster,using orange paint. After fighting off the monsters and finding Doofenshmirtz,the two head in the sewers find Candace has been captured by them,but the boys defeat them and free her,telling her to meet up with them at the other end of the level.They also find doctor D.,but he is stuck in the Gelatin.He says he will get himself out,telling the boys to continue their hourney through.The two eventually make to the main part of the sewers,and meet up with Candace and Doof, uniting the group again, Phineas and Ferb say they have to try and find the power source needed to make another dimension jump (which 2nd Dimension Baljeet says is needed to help them move on to get back home). Everyone winds up in the same dimension (but in different places) where the entire Tri-State Area is overtaken by gelatin and miniature versions of the Gelatin Monster are swarming the streets.

phineas and ferb theme song xbox

The game begins as Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Perry and Doctor Doofenshmirtz are fleeing in between dimensions in an attempt to escape the 2nd Dimension Doofenshmirtz and his Norm-Bots.

Phineas and ferb theme song xbox